Point Prim Lighthouse – Digby Nova Scotia

Now for something different from the everr amazing Point Prim Lighthouse!

Located in southwestern Nova Scotia on the Bay of Fundy across the bay from Saint John New Brunswick is the small town of Digby. The area is well known for whale watching.  If you go out to the point you are able to see the sunrise & sunset! On our third day of our trip we planned on sleeping at the lighthouse in the car.

After a long drive we finally arrived! Unfortunately there was a bright street light illuminating the lot & houses where very close by. Not an ideal place to sleep! After looking at the map, Zenning with Zay found a round nearby that would hopefully serve as our campground. My biggest concern was obviously with our safety. We parked, setup inside the car & had a few drinks before shutting it down for the night.

It was jut before sunrise when an ATV rove right by us.  I woke & was trying to get up & out of the car.  But, having completely closed the windows  just waking, I was a bit dazed & ended up setting the car alarm off instead!  Fortunately Zay got us organized & we headed down to the lighthouse for the below sunrise pics!!

Fast forward to November 2021 & we find ourselves back in Nova Scotia on yet another road trip! This time we were on our honeymoon with our Husky puppy, Opie!

So continuing on we had just finished the day exploring the epic Abandoned Theme Park!  We we fairly close so we decided to haul our butts over & try to capture the sunset for a different perspective!  With maybe 10 minutes to spare we arrived at the lighthouse.  Raced down to the water in the incredibly gusty wind & were able to capture some incredible photos.  Point Prim Lighthouse is truly an amazing place & has never ceased to amaze me!  I am so grateful Zay shared it with me!  Bellow are the photos from the sunset visit!

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