Abandoned Country Time Capsule

In between long weekend festivities in the month of May, Zenning with Zay & I squeezed some pretty amazing explores!…

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Abandoned Time Capsule General Store House

In northern Ontario you can find plenty of ghost towns.  This one that Zenning with Zay & I visited had…

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Abandoned $15,000,000 Mafia Boss Mansion

At the end of 2017 Myself, Freaktography & Carlo Paolozza made our first visit to the Abandoned Mafia Mansion.  We…

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Multi Million Dollar Abandoned Mansion

Multi Million Dollar Abandoned Mansion! Development houses are everywhere. Often they are houses built within the last 30-40 years that…

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Abandoned Canadian Artist’s Mansion & Studio

The first location of an epic day was the Abandoned Canadian Artist’s Mansion! While out adventuring with Zenning with Zay…

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