I'm always being asked "How do you find these places?" Well, the answer is quite simple. Get out & drive!! I was out on an adventure when I drove down a fairly busy street & something caught my eye. There was a large house that had plenty of snow on the driveway that appeared to have been there for quite some time. This is often, but not always a tell tale sign that a house in abandoned. Parking a good distance away as I most often do, I geared up & headed towards the house. Lurking along the tree line to stay hidden from passing cars, I made my way to a window to have a look in. Sure enough the house was empty so I began looking for a way in! Withing a few short moments I was inside & began my walk through.

The house, although empty was quite nice! The interesting thing that I had experienced before but not to this extent was the windows & upper floor walls were covered in frost. The master bedroom had the most frost with the patio doors being completely coated with roughly an inch of frost. THe frost inside is caused from excessive moisture in the house during subzero temperatures. You can really see how "cool" it is in the video as it gives off a shimmering effect when my flashlight would hit it so be sure to check that out!

The frost was puzzling at first but after exploring the house & doing some research, it was clear that due to either a once leaking pipe or a hole in the roof, significant moisture was getting inside the house. As you will see, one room had significant water damage which happened to be below the master bathroom. This house still had a secret waiting for me to discover which I wouldn't until I ventured through the basement. As I made my way around I noticed a door. Much to my surprise it led to the garage & that's where I found a candy machine! Such an odd thing to find in an abandoned house!

Sadly the fate of this house is demolition for the land to build small, overpriced houses.

so much can b savored from this beautiful house that someone in poverty can use in their home. amazing bathroom vanity n tub, doors, etc. etc. hope it doesn’t all go to waste. mayb ask Habitat for Humanity to go in n savor some things for homes in the future. really sad considering the price to buy some of these beautiful things that people rebuild homes with n cant find
I would love to have the old tub and vanity in bathroom
So sad !! 🙁 such a beautiful little home!!
Great work!