This abandoned house is located in a neighbourhood that is seeing redevelopment. In fact, the house next door to it is also abandoned! The house is quite big & sits on a nice sized lot & backs on to a ravine. It was a nice surprise to see that this abandoned house was completely untouched by vandals.

The kitchen features a skylight & was a fair size. There also was a very large living room with a sitting area completely surrounded with windows & skylights with another small sitting room also with many windows. I can imagine this to be a very bright home on a sunny day!

Oddly there was one bedroom which I was unable to enter even after using a bit of force. This put me a bit on edge as I saw a shady character lurking at the back of the two houses & he just up & disappeared. There was someone squatting at the house beside this one which makes me feel there could have been someone barricaded in the bedroom.

The basement was finished & quite large. There was a second Jacuzzi tub in a huge bathroom off a bedroom, a wet bar & a funky little chill room with partial glass block walls! Although there was pretty much zero decay, it was a interesting house to explore & will soon only be remembered by these photos.
Do you ever research the property for information on the deserted house? It would be interesting to know something about it.
I do as much research as I can. Often times the old farms are either abandoned due to death, a large scale farming operation purchase the land & leaves the house as is but this home was sold & the new owners want to tear it down & rebuild.