Abandoned Polygamist Compound

While out on an adventure Zenning with Zay & I randomly discovered this Abandoned Polygamist Compound!

At the end of 2019 I was out adventuring with Zenning with Zay when I spotted something on the map that really piqued my interest.  Neither of us had an real idea what it was however it looked huge & very much abandoned so we made our way there in a race against time as the sun was beginning its descent.  When we arrived we really couldn't see much from the road & the driveway was chained so we geared up & began our hike in.

As we approached it first seemed a little underwhelming as we could only see what appeared to be a trailer which was odd when compared to what we saw on satellite view.  However as we got closer we could clearly see there was a lot more to this place then we first thought!  Right away we noticed that there was a massive concrete foundation yet the actual house sat in the central area.  This was so strange so I did a quick but of research on the spot & what I was able to uncover was this house had a sinister past!  Turns out it was at one time owned by a Polygamist Group who's leader is now behind bars!

As we made our way around the back it became apparent that there were major plans for this place.  With sprawling acreage complete with a huge pond & surprisingly still working aeration pump running.  From the back you could clearly see just how big the mansion would have been & as we made our way inside it also became quite apparent how strange it was.  There were only a few unfinished rooms I could get in as many were blocked by trees which were indicative of just how long this places has been abandoned!

I was able to gain entry through what turned out to a where a fireplace would have sat in the basement.  Immediately upon entry we were greeted with a very unique staircase & walls covered in very 1960's wallpaper.  The decay in the basement was intense but expected seeing how long this place has sat.  There was a swingers vibe down there & also still quite a lot of mystery.  I kept finding myself stopping & looking up anything I could find on the property as I really needed to know what the heck was going on here!

The upper floor was as decayed as the lower & offered just as many questions but by this point in time I had discovered quite a bit of information about the compound.  From what I found, the Polygamist group was relatively new to the area & had acquired the land from a farmer looking to move south of the border & retire from the harsh Canadian winters. The group was growing quickly & with the financial support of some of the closest members they mansion's foundation was poured with expectations of expansion as more members moved to the site.

The kitchen was very odd & was flanked with dining rooms on either side.  There was labels on the cupboards & drawers for everything leading me to believe that despite the swingeresque basement, there were very strict regiment followed within the compound.  The kitchen was set in the middle of the house & had potential to be expanded outwards a good 20 feet once the expansion to the planned size was complete.

Not long after, the leader of the group was brought up on numerous charges & was sentenced to a lengthy prison term.  The group was disbanded & the property & assets seized by the Sheriff.  Today, the property is nothing more than a faded memory to those that once worked towards this group compound & the land just sits with no future plans for it.

5 thoughts on “Abandoned Polygamist Compound”

  1. I can only assume that no permits were purchased for the building of this building ! Certainly does not meet codes !!

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