The Abandoned Chedoke Hospital was the second place Zenning with Zay & I took Urbex Opie to explore! I had already explored one building on the grounds several years earlier but this particular building was inaccessible back then!
The Evel Pavillion was built in 1932 by architectural company Hutton & Souter at a cost of just under $250,000. Originally it could accommodate 155 patients but after extensive renovations, capacity increased.
Zay wanted to visit this place & having recently rescued Urbex Opie, we figured this would be a good & safe place to bring him to explore! Obviously there are dangers in any abandoned place so we had to keep a close watch. Being so young he wasn't really trying to get into things but more amazed with everything!
The hospital became a general hospital in 1960's & a decade later the government wanted to close it down. Local residents were apposed to the idea & pulled together some 80,000 signatures to keep it open. Over time the hospital became a non-acute care facility. It served younger outpatients in the areas of autism, mental health & developmental pediatrics. in 2016 all these services had relocated to the new $100 Million children's treatment facility.
Townhomes have already started being built on the surrounding land. Most of the other buildings on the grounds have already been demolished & the Evel Pavilion will meet the same fate.
The Abandoned Chedoke Hospital was a great explore but as always, its sad to see a piece of history destroyed.
The rooms on the first floor were for screening children’s hearing. You put the kid in the soundproof room. They raise their hands when they hear a sound. The speech therapists controls the sound and watches for the kid to raise his hands. Some of the rooms upstairs, one can watch on the tv. It’s controlled by the switch you showed us. I’m a retired occupational therapist so if you find an Occupational Therapy room will you show us, please? Worked in pediatrics for over 40 years. Name Occupational means we work with what is their age appropriate work. With kids it’s play so I got paid for playing with developmentally delayed kids. They didn’t sit at the right time, and so forth.
The “one-way”mirrors work if there’s bright light in one room, and less light in the next. If the playroom was bright, and the observation room dim, the kids wouldn’t see through because the window would look like a mirror. From the employee side, though, it would be clear.