Abandoned Country Ranch Mansion

In the summer Zenning with Zay & I explored Abandoned Country Ranch Mansion!  We had been watching it for a whie but never actually went up to it.  It's on of those places that cannot be seen unless you're rght up at it!  The property was also quite active including a lot of police presence.

I was actually quite surprised to see the state of this place when we drove up to it. It was VERY clearly abandoned! I was shocked at the state of it to be honest.

There was quite a bit of stuff left behind but so far nothing special.  I was admiring the size of the rooms, especially the dining room!  It featured a huge bay window too!

The kitchen here was rather small & loaded with wood paneling! It was a bit much but also had a cool vibe! It's almost too much wood that it works!

Right off the front was what I would call the Great Room. Now, often times I don't move much around but in this room I had to!  This first two photos in the above set show all sort of wood leaning against the windows.  I couldn't deal with it so decided to remove it all for better shots!  Then in the home office is where the artist vibe came out.  Now this Abandoned Country Ranch Mansion was not only an equestrian facility, but it also was home to an artist!

The master bedroom was a fair size with a nice big window overlooking the back property. It also had a master bathroom which was rather interesting as ytou can clearly see! Another bedroom on the main floor was the red room. It was just weird, especially with the torso's hanging around! Before we head downstairs I waned to show you the great room from outside on the walk out! Pretty sweet natural decay there!

The basement here was pretty interesting. It seems that it was a workshop/business of sorts. In all honesty I really couldn't my finger on what exactly as done down there! It seemed to be more than just a hobby but who knows! Either way it was interesting going through the different areas!

Now the best for the last!  The indoor pool here was pretty awesome!  This as directly below the walk out for the great room upstairs!  It seems that the pool had some cracks in it which is likely why it was later used for storage & an art room.  I bet though back in the day it was an epic party room!  I also can't forget the spiral staircase! It was pretty sweet & a nice surprise.  All in all this was an epic explore!

Mansion Spiral Staircase

And one last shot just because!

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