On a road trip earlier this year Zenning with Zay & I explored this Abandoned Funeral Home! We visited this very interesting place with Cherotica & Knife Guy!
The Abandoned Funeral Home was definitely an interesting explore! Not only are abandoned funeral homes few & far between, but this was was definitely unique.
I started my explore on the top floor which was rather odd. There were numerous apartments on running the length of the building & some were in terrible condition. Once again, the curse of the flat roof! Some areas were especially bad but there was still enough good bones in it to keep us from falling through! As long as we were mindful of where we stepped!
The corridor that ran the length of the building was slanted from the decay. It seems he one side of the building was in much worse shape than the rest! But then I got to what I thought was the end. This was a massive apartment that the owner had lived it. It would have been pretty dang pimpin when you look at what is left. Just how things were setup like the jacuzzi tub in the bedroom. The raised bad frame area. The bathroom & well really everything!
But now we get on to the real reason we came here which was the Abandoned Funeral Home! Alhough there wasn'at a lot left behind, there was many telltale signs. Fortunately I had plenty of light because all the windows were sealed on the main floor!
The embalming room was definitely a highlight of the whole place! Not because it was creepy but rather quite interesting. This is one of the main reason I enjoy this hobby because we see things most people will never see! Now the last few pics are from a room I breezed through quick in the video. It was very odd because there were hundreds of nude cutouts all over the walls. There are not close up shots, but if you are offended by nudity, you may want to skip the next three pics. Either way, it was an epic adventure & thanks for coming along with us!