We were just rolling into a small town when I spotted this Abandoned House of Dolls. At the time Zay & I didn't know about the dolls, but we found out pretty quickly once inside!
This house was actually a turning point for me. It was here I decided I wanted to take less photos overall & focus more on quality shots. I found I've been less interested in posting some place when there are mountains of picture to edit. Especially when its just empty rooms.
That was how I used to shoot but lately I had been trying to please everyone with a full tour. Seems like double work considering I film it all! That said I feel I give a good tour & highlight on the interesting! One thing that caught my eye was this trailer in the back with all sorts or moulds in it! I suspect there was a shop on sit where they sold the art from!
Inside I focused on the things that I liked visually. Natural decay is always awesome & this place delivered! Plenty of paint peel! Plus the wallpaper was pretty sweet too!
The upper floor was not very interesting at all. I actually took more pictures than I expected. I mean the stairs, bathroom & room with a television I liked. But I guess I still felt a bit obligated to show the whole place. But then it was time for the creepiness in the Abandoned House of Dolls!
In on room I found a pile of dolls. Not gonna lie we arranged them for these pictures. But the tall one was standing in a room when I first found it. It certainly creeped me out! The thing is the size of a small child! Needless to say this was a great start to the day of exploring!

Location !!?
Location ?