This Abandoned Ontario Time Capsule was a random discovery by Zenning with Zay which we discovered while out with Carlo Paolozza! We pulled to the side of the road & Zay ran up to see what if anything was inside & came back to the car excited giving us the thumbs up. We likely wouldn't have even noticed this abandoned house if it were during the summer as it was surrounded by trees however in the winter when the leaves are gone its visible from the road!
Once inside it didn't really seem that great to me as we entered through a back storage/shop area. But then we entered then house & man was it ever cool! There was obvious signs of someone going through things & in most cases its treasure hunters.
The living room was really interesting. All though it too was a bit trashed there was an awesome built in book case still filled with encyclopedias, National Geographic magazines & other books! The roof was leaking above making for some pretty awesome decay!
The over to the dining room & kitchen. The dining room was virtually untouched with cabinets still filled with items. There was a bed setup which leads me to believe the owner was elderly & no longer able to make it up & down the stairs safely. This is actually quite common with old farm houses & many abandoned ones I have explored.
There was further evidence that the home owner was likely unable to navigate the stairs once I went up. One room was jam packed with random items, another had a few things but the ceiling was all caving in & lastly was a bedroom. Everything was pretty much as it was left. Clothes still hanging in the closet, bed still made. It was quite decayed in the bedroom as this was where a hole was in the roof.
In all this abandoned Ontatio time capsule house was quite interesting & had plenty of items left behind. There were some small details that I liked. It's always nice to explore these old farm houses & see what life was once like in rural Ontario!
This one makes me sad. It’s hard for me not to wonder who this person was and if they had no one in their life who cared for them enough to want to go through their things and keep treasured items, or at least clean the place out and sell it if possible. The fact that there is china and shiny antique cake molds still hanging on the wall–heck, even a half-full bottle of Blanton’s whiskey–makes me fear that this person really didn’t have anyone in their life at all.