Here is the abandoned Ski-Doo mini mansion! This was a house I had been watching for a little as I knew it was likely to be demolished in the future as the surrounding land was being purchased by a developer. The most recent time I had been by was in the Autumn of 2018 & there were still some signs of people living there. In early February of 2019 I was somewhat in the area & decided to stop by & see if things had changed. Sure enough I could clearly see the house was now vacant!

One bonus about exploring in Canada during the winter is you can quite easily determine if a house is lived in by looking to see if the snow has been cleared. This isn't always accurate but it can certainly help in determining if you should approach the house or not! The driveway to this house had a large snowbank in front of it & no signs of anyone going in or out. Parking a distance away I made my approach with little hope of getting in due to the location of the house along a very busy road.

As I walked in the breezeway I grabbed the door & was please to see it opened right up for me! I quickly did a walk around as I always do to see what I was getting myself into & check for any possible people or critters lurking within. The decor in this house was right out of the 1960's from wallpaper to light fixtures! The upper level had been mostly cleaned out but the basement was packed with stuff & even one room was almost left as is when the owners were there! What I also noticed was how large all the rooms where leading me to believe this was, at the time built a very large home or as I call it a mini mansion. There may have only been three bedrooms however there were three bathrooms & the living areas were huge! Be sure to check out the video & enjoy the walk through!
Hi, where abouts is this located and was it demolished?
Sadly it has been demolished. It was located in Richmond Hill.