Huge Abandoned Country Home

While out on a adventure Zenning with Zay directed us to this Huge Abandoned Country Home!  Just looking at this place you know it was once a well loved & beautiful home.

Now in all honesty, I have completely forgotten where this place is. Which means I have no way of getting any information on it. WHat I can say is that at one time it was certainy a beautiful home. It seemed as though additions were aded over the years. The brickwork was beautiful as were all the other accents ont he exterior. This leads me to believe the original owners were quite wealthy.

Although this Huge Abandoned Country Home looked awesome on the outside, it really wasn't that exciting on the inside sadly.  There was some decay but not a lot.  The bedrooms had some pretty bold paint colour choices.  Plus in a few of them there was drawings & song lyrics.

The main floor here was the least interesting. You can see the whole place in the video but I didn't want to just take pictures of nothing. Rather focus on the interesting things rather than just filler content.  I really hate seeing such big & beautiful places sit & rot. Both Zay & I have talked about how cool it would be to restore an old place!  Maybe one day we will find one that has a decent amount of property & close to water!

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