Abandoned Time Capsule Mansion in the Woods

It has been four years since I explored this Abandoned Time Capsule Mansion in the Woods.  This amazing place was known by some in the community however there were never any photos of the inside.  Parking a street over, I made my way through the surrounding fields & forest ensuring not to be seen.   There was a a log cabin on the property that was being used as storage.  The mansion itself was a log style home surrounded by a mature evergreen forest.  The property was overgrown & a large tree had fallen on to the house.

The left wing of the mansion was mostly open concept with a bedroom & large sitting area with a loft which was used as an office space.  There was also a large laundry room & bathroom off of that.  I am not going to lie but we both were on edge the entire explore.  We would take turns shooting while the other watched for...well...anything as we just couldn't believe where we were!

Connecting the one wing to the rest of the house was an arched corridor.  Although similar to the corridors in Abandoned Time Capsule Mansion, this one seemed to have a better use of space & included a fully stocked liquor cabinet that any liquor store would be impressed by!

Once through the corridor you enter the main area of the house which had a massive living room jam packed with antiques.  This place was similar to a museum featuring items of all sorts dating back to the mid 1800's!   There was just so many incredible things here it was overwhelming to say the least.

Above the living room was yet another loft area as well as a bathroom, two bedrooms & sitting area.  The loft area was filled with boxes of items, far too many to even consider going through.   Continuing with the theme of the house, all rooms were decorated with antiques.

As if there wasn't already an overwhelming amount of antiques, we continue on to the kitchen which absolutely blew my mind!  Everywhere you looked there was antiques from wall to wall, floor to ceiling.  I couldn't even begin to put a price tag on the value of the items in here!  There was also another bathroom & like the rest of this place, it too was decorated with antiques.

The Abandoned Time Capsule Mansion in the Woods had been abandoned for a few years when I went to explore it.  Based on the numerous bottles of medication found it led me to believe the former occupants had either passed away or moved in to assisted living.  A year or so later I did a return visit to see what if anything had changed.  The property is once again active which makes me happy as I would hate to have seen it looted, destroyed or even set ablaze like so many abandoned homes.

3 thoughts on “Abandoned Time Capsule Mansion in the Woods”

  1. Wow! I am blown away by your photography and the subject as well! I LOVED EVERY SINGLE ROOM! I’m sitting here in aww looking at every single picture. I can’t help but have a little dread to think what will happen to this spectacular place once the roof is compromised. Since the electric was on do you think the utilities were still operating which contributes to why it is in such good condition? (Heat?) I subscribe to your youtube channel but didn’t see a video, did you make one? I know you were uneasy and moving along. Did you happen to google the name on the prescription bottles? I’d be so curious to know why this place is abandoned. Thank you as always for your great work and sharing! -John

    1. Thanks a lot. I actually took these pictures a few years ago before I was really doing any videos. I did search the family but really couldn’t find anything recent but figure they moved into assisted living.

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